9 Feb
9 Feb
6:34 p.m.
I looked at the Trash messages on the Server (which is using Maildir) and they are flagged as :2,S (Seen) but not T (Trash). So it looks like when Roundcube copies them to Trash and expunges the original, it doesn't set the Trash flag on the message. If I manually delete the message from the Trash folder, then RC does set the Trash flag and that action will be logged to my Dovecot logs. I did not set the expunge & copy options in mail_log_events because I didn't want to fill up the logs with all that additional logging, thinking that delete would get me what I was looking for. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
On 2021-02-09 3:44 am, Yassine Chaouche wrote:
Le 2/9/21 à 11:41 AM, Yassine Chaouche a écrit :
I have expunge in mail_log_events
mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete mailbox_rename
Yassine Oh yes and copy, because when you delete mail in roundcube it actually copies it to the trash then expunge it from where it was, so you should look after these two