For some reason mailman failed to "munge from" for senders with dmarc policy ;(

It's now configured to always munge to avoid this again.

On 09 February 2019 at 11:21 "@lbutlr via dovecot" <> wrote:

I just got this

On 9 Feb 2019, at 00:00, wrote:
Your membership in the mailing list dovecot has been disabled due to
excessive bounces The last bounce received from you was dated
02-Feb-2019. You will not get any more messages from this list until
you re-enable your membership. You will receive 1 more reminders like
this before your membership in the list is deleted.

To re-enable your membership, you can simply respond to this message
(leaving the Subject: line intact), or visit the confirmation page at…
When clicking the link I get "Bad confirmation sting" and something about maybe the link expired.

I see no connection attempts from over the last few days other than this message.

If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

Aki Tuomi