I am building a custom server platform in which dovecot is used for imap/pop . But the default authentication mechanism is not suitable for me becuase each domain will have different system users and different location for mail storage . So I need to create a custom authentication mechanism using python . There is an option to use Key-value authentication (dict) database via socket as per
The above documentation link have a sample perl script too to send authentication to
uri = proxy:/var/run/auth_proxy_dovecot/socket:somewhere
So my question is how the inputs are send to the socket file ? in which format ?
How the result return ? and in which format ?
Let us say I can create a python socket program that can listen to /var/run/auth_proxy_dovecot/socket for getting the inputs from dovecot , but what is the format
Is it like the following
USER test@myemail.com
PASS mypassword
I looked into the documentation and developer documentation, I am unable to see how dovecot send the data , I can see a sample perl for answering dict lookups. Any one have a python alternative for it. ?
-- *Sherin Abdulkhareem* Chairman & Managing Director
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