22 Aug
22 Aug
6:10 a.m.
On 08/06/2011 01:32 AM, Ian Evans wrote:
I run a Dovecot 1.2.16 pop3 server and have just started using the Thunderbird 5 email client.
Thunderbird is set to leave the messages on the server unless they are over 91 days old. However, I'm not seeing it delete any of the older messages.
I'll run a debug run of Thunderbird when I get back home, but I'm just wondering if there's any gotcha's I should be aware of with Thunderbird and Dovecot in a pop3 environment. The Thunderbird folks are wondering if it's the server not the client.
Perhaps this is related to this bug I posted:
We still have no fix or confirmation from the developers. A workaround is to disable creation of indexes.