On 2013-01-08 1:52 PM, Reindl Harald <h.reindl@thelounge.net> wrote:
I absolutely do recall Timo discussing implementing it at some point - this way dovecot could actually provide its own submission agent (one reason I'd love to see this would be the ability to DISABLE the 'Save copy to Sent folder' option in mail clients and do that on the server so the message doesn't have to be transferred over the wire twice, which is one thing I *love* about gmail)
Am 08.01.2013 18:55, schrieb Charles Marcus: that would make dovecot to a MTA,
No it wouldn't, any more than having dovecot-sasl provide SERVER-side sasl support for the postfix submission service.
but how do you explain this the MUA aka mail-client? gmail can do it because it is a webinterface not acting with mail-protocols on the user side
Wrong... I hate the gmail web interface, and only access my gmail accounts through IMAP+Thunderbird, and for those accounts, I can disable the 'Save copy to sent folder' option, and sent messages still show up in the sent folder.
with standard protocols this is not the way you can go
even if dovecot would have it's own SMTP implementation no client expects such non-standard things
The client doesn't have to expect or know *anything*... the *user* simply would have to know that they can disable that option for that account.
as other example: dbmail could easily move messages to different folders becasue it only has to update one reference but you can't do it this way with IMAP
Dovecot moves are simply renames (ie, linux 'mv' command), so are pretty much instantaneous.
Best regards,