On 2014-01-24 10:51 AM, Asai <asai@globalchangemusic.org> wrote:
We're running Dovecot 2.2.4 and the dsync command is this: dsync -u <username> backup maildir:/mnt/backups/<period>/<domain>/<username>
When this happens to a particular users account I delete the backup and let it rebuild, which works for awhile, but then it happens again, and it seems to happen to particular users.
Can you point me in the right direction to start troubleshooting this?
The first thing to do when experiencing problems like this is make sure you are on the current version of whatever point release you are running. In your case that would be 2.2.10. Then if you still experience the problem, come back and re-ask...
If you are unable to update due to some kind of 'LTS' restrictions enforced by your chosen OS, then your first line of support should be from them - otherwise, what is the point of using that OS?
Also, they would be the ones that would have to back-port any fixes from more recent releases to your 'stable' version.
Best regards,