Hi, login_log_format_elements does not seem to change the login logs. I have it set to the below setting and the word "home" does not even appear. Is there something I have to do to for this? Also I use ldap for authentication.
[user@MB1 logs]$ doveconf -n | grep -i log debug_log_path = /home/user/apps/logs/dovecot_debug.log info_log_path = /home/user/apps/logs/dovecot_info.log log_path = /home/user/apps/logs/dovecot.log login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l mpid=%e %c home=%h service imap-login { chroot = login executable = imap-login type = login user = $default_login_user
[user@MB1 dovecot]$ tail -1 ~/apps/logs/dovecot_info.log Sep 04 18:19:55 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<test2@domain.local>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=6571
[user@MB1 dovecot]$ dovecot --version 2.2.5