31 Jan
31 Jan
5:11 p.m.
(dovecot 1.0r15)
I try to setup up two namespaces: 1- the first one (and default one) a maildir namespace 2- the second one a mbox namespace
I want only one "INBOX", in the maildir namespace, no INBOX in the mbox namespace.
I get what I want with this configuration:
mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir
namespace private { inbox = yes }
namespace private { separator = . prefix = mbox. location = mbox:~/mbox:INBOX= inbox = no hidden = no }
My question is:
is it a normal way to do what I want ?
I mean, the line
location = mbox:~/mbox:INBOX=
looks odd.
I try with just the line inbox=no (without INBOX=) but dovecot set a default INBOX that disturbs some mail client.
David Bonnafous
Institut de Mathématiques
Université Paul Sabatier
Toulouse - France