Tomi Hakala wrote:
Why don't you index when a mail arrives instead of on select? You need to use Dovecot LDA ($PREFIX/libexec/dovecot/deliver) to get messages indexed on delivery. It works like maildrop, mail is read from stdin and recipient is given with -d parameter.
So this is what dovecot-deliver is about? I guessed so but wasn't sure.
What's the status of it? I have maildrop right now, which runs fine, but it's a relict from my courier setup and I already wanted to replace it with my MTA's (Exim) internal delivery function. I didn't find any docs for the LDA (but people having corrupted indexes instead), so I'm a little bit reluctant. And does it provide a feasible filter? I use maildrop's .mailfilter for delivering in subfolders for different mailing-lists e.g.