7 Dec
7 Dec
4:32 a.m.
On 07/12/2020 02:32, michael1970 wrote:
Hi John,
I have the standard Dovecot Solr, like in documentation.
When I query in solr backend*%3A* I see as json:
"uid":[1075], "box":["202ab12237483a5e6c1300009a2345"], "user":["emai@example.co.nz"], "id":"1075/202ab12237483a5e6c1300009a2345/emai@example.co.nz", "body":["Yes, I sent them a copy of this,....\n"], "hdr":["Return-Path: <eaxample>\nDelivered-To:..... "], "from":["<emai@example.co.nz>\n"], "to":["<emai@example.co.nz>\n"], "subject":["New Account"], "_version_":1685006305384726530},
but I need as key message-id, in-reply-to, date
Thanks, Michael
-- Sent from: http://dovecot.2317879.n4.nabble.com/
Hi Michael
the headers to index are not configurable. In order to do this you would need to update the source code and the solr schema and reindex the messages.
Having said that, I'm still uncertain as to what you would gain by doing this, since Dovecot is able to run queries on message-id, in-reply-to and on date without this modification.