Hey! Don't hijack somebody else's thread, think up a new subject line.
On Tue, 5 Sep 2006, billl@inetmsg.com wrote:
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 18:13:33 -0700 From: billl@inetmsg.com To: dovecot@dovecot.org Subject: Re: [Dovecot] rc7 crashing under heavy load
----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Wakelin" <c.d.wakelin@reading.ac.uk>
Too many open files - try increasing the number of file handles for the Dovecot master process; I use "plimit -n 4096 <Dovecot master pid>"
Login process died too early - are you using NIS? It's too slow for Dovecot, I think. We create a Dovecot "passwd-file" from NIS overnight and then "HUP" the Dovecot master process to make it re-read it (we use it only for UIDs, as we use pam-ldap to Active Directory for authentication, but it could have the passwords in as well). Dovecot caches the passwd-file so it's very quick.
Chris, I am new to Dovecot and this list, and struggled this weekend to get Dovegot to authenticate the username against a "passwd-file" and using pam to authenticate the passwords. I was wondering if you could tell me what the format of the "passwd-file" should look like. I want to the username to be user@domain, and tried stripping the domain part for username/password authentication against pam, but that hasn't worked for me, so I thought I would use a "passwd-file" like your doing. Also, what does your dovecot.conf section look like for using a "passwd-file" and pam?
Thanks for any help you can provide!