4 Jun
4 Jun
8:27 a.m.
On Sunday 04 June 2006 12:34, C J Kenneth Tan -- OptimaNumerics took the opportunity to write:
- Would you be able to explain to me how SMTP AUTH prevents virus relay that cannot be accomplished with POP-before-SMTP?
With POP-before-SMTP: You check your mail with POP -> you can then send mail for, say, 30 minutes, but so can viruses, from any computer behind the same NAT box even. With SMTP AUTH: Password must be supplied with every mail transmission, which means that viruses must steal it from you, which is far from impossible but at least presents an obstacle.
Would you be able to also explain what do you mean by "dangerous"?
Would you be able to also explain what do you mean by "major security risk"?
I guess the answer is the same to these questions.
-- Magnus Holmgren holmgren@lysator.liu.se (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)