On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 11:54 +0100, Luciano Mannucci wrote:
I'm using dovecot 1.2.10 with mbox format (which implies layout=fs) and I would like to switch to maildir++ layout without changing format in order to implement subfolders for IMAP users. I understand that I should move the INDEX location to avoid some namespace conflict (it would be a good idea anyway: I'll move them on another disc :).
Test it first. I haven't done much Maildir++ layout testing with mbox. There's also another possibility you could try:
mail_location = mbox:/var/spool/mailboxes/%u:DIRNAME=mbox
Then you'd have e.g.:
foo/mbox foo/bar/mbox
Looks like INBOX stupidly creates "inbox" instead of INBOX/mbox, but you can fix that also by specifying :INBOX=.../INBOX/mbox
":INDEX=/var/dovecot_indexes/%u". Also I don't think you need the :INBOX part.
I'll have to rename folders for IMAP users, right?
Is there some script that does just that?
Some other needed black magic for .subscriptions?
Create a namespace that sets separator=/, otherwise clients could become confused because separator changes to '.'. Also check if any users already have mailboxes with '.' in them, because those will have to be renamed somehow. Or you could alternatively use listescape plugin.