31 Dec
31 Dec
5:02 a.m.
Am 31.12.2013 00:44, schrieb Timothy Murphy:
I'm running dovecot version 2.0.9 under CentOS-6.5 . I want to add the following plugin:
require "fileinto"; if header :contains "X-Spam-Flag" "YES" { fileinto "Spam"; }
Could some kind soul tell me where exactly I should place this script (eg "anywhere in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf" or "anywhere in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/90-plugin.conf"), and do I need to take any other action?
Actually, the folder I should like spam to go to is ~/Maildir/.Spam/cur/ - should I modify the above script?
If these queries are anwered clearly in some dovecot documentation, please point me to that
this is a *sieve script* not a plugin itself http://wiki2.dovecot.org/Pigeonhole/Sieve