On 27.3.2013, at 0.15, Peer Heinlein <p.heinlein@heinlein-support.de> wrote:
Mar 26 22:39:17 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(testuser): Error: Cached message size smaller than expe cted (1467 < 3780)
Error: Maildir filename has wrong S value, r enamed the file from /var/vmail/uni-greifswald.de/testuser/Maildir/cur/1364332643.M527513P23361.m ailserver2,S=3780,W=3860:2, to /var/vmail/uni-greifswald.de/testuser/Maildir/cur/1364332643.M5275 13P23361.mailserver2,S=1856:2,
*) Create a Maildir-Store with zip enabled *) Deliver Mails into it. Everything's working fine, the filenames are right *) Delete dovecot.index* *) STEP ONE: Dovecot's complaining about broken index-files *) STEP TWO: Dovecot's renaming the files
Oh, except I actually forgot to load zlib plugin in my previous test. I can't reproduce with these steps.. and I don't really see why they would cause it anyway. A broken cached size would cause that rename, but not a missing cached size.