1 Sep
1 Sep
3:30 a.m.
On 8/31/2011 7:15 PM, Stephan Bosch wrote:
If you set lda_mailbox_autosubscribe to yes, it will subscribe folders created by Sieve automatically.
However, afaik Thunderbird will not notice the subscription at first. You need to reconnect for that to be noticed.
That's been my experience. Sometimes a refresh will pick it up, but Thunderbird tends to be very slow about picking up new folders until you restart Thunderbird.
Note that in Dovecot v1, there's a flag that you set on the dovecot LDA to enable this behavior (lda_mailbox_autosubscribe was added in Dovecot v2):
Note the "-n" and "-s" parameters. (Which get configured in master.cf if you're using Postfix. Not sure how that gets configured on other MTAs.)