Le Wed, 01 Oct 2008 12:34:09 -0300, "Eduardo M KALINOWSKI" <eduardo@kalinowski.com.br> a écrit :
From: Nicolas Letellier
Indeed, the folder is created with the sieve rule (cf precedent mail). I see this line in my deliver log:
Oct 1 10:48:42 trinite deliver(test@domain.fr): msgid=<20081001090028.CD851886C@mail.domain.biz>: saved mail to Junk
However, when we connect us in the webmail, or download mail with IMAP, the folder is not present.
The folder is created, but no line about it is present in subscriptions file. So, the folder is not viewable.
If I remember correctly, recently it was added an option to deliver to autosubscribe to created folders. I think it is only available in the git version. How use this feature?
I want a sieve rule create the folder automatically, and autoscribe mailbox to it.
- Nicolas.