On 1 June 2019 02:11 Steven Smith via dovecot < dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:

Thank you very much for posting this. Looking at the diffs across configurations, I tried all these options, without success:

* service dns_client block
* turn off global separator variable
* auth_mechanisms login plain gssapi cram-md5

My dovecot configuration is the common denominator of multiple Notes.app clients not working, so I’m pretty sure I’ve configured it in a way that macOS Notes.app doesn’t like.

The only other difference I see is the ldap passwd and userdb driver.

Looks like I’ll have to wait for some inspiration and free time to break out wireshark to dig further.

Thanks again,


https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Debugging/Rawlog might be more useful than wireshark. 
Aki Tuomi