Quoting Ed W <lists@wildgooses.com>:
Anyone had success using some other clustered/HA filestore with
dovecot who can share their experience? (OCFS/GFS over DRBD, etc?)
GFS2 over DRBD in an active-active setup works fine IMHO. Not perfect, but it was cheap and works well... Let's me reboot machines with "no downtime" which was one of my main goals when implementing it...
My interest is more in bootstrapping a more highly available system
from lower quality (commodity) components than very high end use
GFS+DRBD should fit the bill... You need several nics and cables, but they are dirt cheap... Just 2 machines with the same disk setup, and a handful of nics and cables, and you are off and running...
Ed W
-- Eric Rostetter The Department of Physics The University of Texas at Austin
Go Longhorns!