Hello Timo,
let's say you want to implement several distinct groups of shared mailboxes via one (several) public namespace(s) with dovecot-1.1.x/Maildir. For instance, team1, team2 and team3 work on different projects (project1, project2, project3).
Obviously, as many public namespaces (#team1, #team2, #team3) would do the trick, but then, any user (including users who don't belong to any above team) would 'see' useless non-selectionable folders #team*.
So my idea would be to create only one public namespace (#Public) into which I'd store directories team1, team2, team3, into which I'd put the needed shared mailboxes. Something like
/courriel/boites/public/team1/.shared-project1/ /team2/.shared-project2/ /team3/.shared-project3/
with something like
namespace public { separator = / prefix = '#Public/' location = maildir:/courriel/boites/public inbox = no hidden = no list = yes subscriptions = yes }
I guess if unix right and ACL are set up correctly, other people would only see non-selectionable '#Public'.
The only problem is the subscription file : my understanding is that you have only one subscription file per namespace. Maybe unless you specify something like
location = maildir:/courriel/boites/public:CONTROL=<some user dependent location>
But wouldn't that induce another problem : such a CONTROL directive would put dovecot-uidlist and dovecot-keywords in the same user dependent location.
As I want to share the \Seen flag, I have to
. put a dovecot-shared file . not specify INDEX (or at least, not to some user dependent location)
So I would end up with
. uid lists in some user dependant location (as a side effect of having several subscriptions files) . but indexes shared
as uid is listed in index : wouldn't that be a problem ?
-- Thomas Hummel | Institut Pasteur <hummel@pasteur.fr> | Pôle informatique - systèmes et réseau