Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:
Daniel L. Miller escreveu:
The question: can Dovecot be configured to support sieve filters on IMAP (not just SMTP) operations (Eduardo helped me here - so I'll specifically ask about the APPEND command).
If not , I'll make that a feature-request - "Timo, can Dovecot be modified to support sieve-filters on APPEND operations?". Failing that, can some specific operation subsets of sieve be supported on a cron-like basis? My understanding is that operations involving indexes are extremely fast - and that things like sender/recipient are included in the indexes. So filters based on sender/recipient might be possible?
At this moment it can't. And as a matter of fact, I doubt it ever will, because it doesn't really make sense.
I'm no expert in the IMAP protocol, but as far as I understand, the APPEND command is used to store a new mail in a given mailbox. It would not make sense to run a filter to store the message somewhere other than where the client asked when using that command (just to use the specific example). I never said it was a GOOD idea....but, actually, what's wrong with it?
Once again, an opportunity for me to use my lower mouth.
IMAP is based on supporting relatively high-speed links (not INTENDED
for dial-up use...). So mail is (normally) not stored on the
client-side - and changes made on the server are quickly reflected by
the client (for LAN use, I normally set my update freq to 1 minute).
And this is the kind of thing that would be implemented with the user's
knowledge (presumably) since it's implemented using the user-configured
sieve filter. So, without changing the MUA/MTA/IMAP interaction, the
IMAP server will simply file new messages according to user-set rules.
Doesn't address the multiple-transfer issue at all, but does provide an
option for centralized control of message filing.
-- Daniel