I am using dovecot-1.0.2 and am observing occassions where the imap process for the user goes into an infinite loop.
A truss of the process gives:
pollsys(0x000B0308, 4, 0xFFBFF898, 0x00000000) = 1 fstat64(10, 0x000BC130) = 0 sendfilev64(1, 1, 0xFFBFF4B0, 1, 0xFFBFF4A4) Err#11 EAGAIN pollsys(0x000B0308, 4, 0xFFBFF898, 0x00000000) = 1 fstat64(10, 0x000BC130) = 0 sendfilev64(1, 1, 0xFFBFF4B0, 1, 0xFFBFF4A4) Err#11 EAGAIN pollsys(0x000B0308, 4, 0xFFBFF898, 0x00000000) = 1 fstat64(10, 0x000BC130) = 0
(... repeatedly ...)
When I searched the maillog for the user, the last actions taken were:
dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: imap-login: Login: user=<XXX>, method=PLAI N, rip=, lip= dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): copy -> Trash: uid=25, msgid=<d 05001c7d51a$0a18c550$958f3011@burgaldceo> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): copy -> Trash: uid=26, msgid=<4 14901c7d5bd$55a80b40$26227a4d@Mitchell> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): copy -> Trash: uid=27, msgid=<9 31601908.49031521463794@lanecompany.com> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): deleted: uid=25, msgid=<d05001c 7d51a$0a18c550$958f3011@burgaldceo> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): deleted: uid=26, msgid=<414901c 7d5bd$55a80b40$26227a4d@Mitchell> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): deleted: uid=27, msgid=<9316019 08.49031521463794@lanecompany.com> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): expunged: uid=25, msgid=<d05001 c7d51a$0a18c550$958f3011@burgaldceo> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): expunged: uid=26, msgid=<414901 c7d5bd$55a80b40$26227a4d@Mitchell> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:42 Info: IMAP(XXX): expunged: uid=27, msgid=<931601 908.49031521463794@lanecompany.com> dovecot: Aug 04 10:50:43 Info: IMAP(XXX): Disconnected: Logged out
May I know what could have caused the problem or is there any other information I can provide?
Thanking in advance.
Cheers, Tan Shao Yi