As we are facing problems with public folder read/unread mails.
Usually people want private seen flag with shared folders.
One exception that we have is our main incoming fax folder...
For this folder, we have 3 people who check it all day, and forward the fax to whoever it is for. I would *love* to have public seen flag for this folder, so the first person who reads a fax and forwards it will mark it as seen, and anyone else checking the folder will know it has already been dealt with.
But you are right, most of our other Public folders we want private seen flags...
I want to make this configurable, but I haven't yet much thought how this should be done, so for now it's hardcoded.
Afraid I can't help you much as far as how to do it, but just wanted to give you one good example of the need.
Thanks Timo! Dovecot just gets better all the time...
Best regards,