On 10-04-04 19:59:43, Tony Nelson wrote:
Am 04.04.2010 um 19:53 schrieb Tony Nelson:
I retrieve my mail from dovecot over POP3. Sometimes dovecot delivers a message into the spam mailbox, even though I have no spam filtering enabled.
Dovecot does not do that. Your MUA such as Thunderbird might do
On 10-04-04 14:07:49, Thomas Leuxner wrote: this,
or a milter or some other process on your MTA may do that, but Dovecot won't (unless you tell it to sieve mail for you and file into the spam mailbox).
Well, here is something you do not know about dovecot.
[]# zgrep 'dovecot.*spam' /var/log/maillog-20100404.gz Apr 3 17:14:12 rapidxen dovecot: deliver(tonynelson):
msgid=<164696033923172620887@xpsp5>: saved mail to spam []#deliver sends the message wherever it is directed, apparently in this case by an anti-spam header added by an intermediate mail server. ...
Bah. After figuring out how deliver was being run, which I see is in the /etc/procmailrc I copied from the Dovecot WIKI[1], all I have to do is comment out the extra lines[2] that direct spam elsewhere. Those lines are probably needed under some circumstances.
[1] <http://wiki.dovecot.org/procmail> [2] :0 w
- ^X-Spam-Status: Yes | $DELIVER -m spam
TonyN.:' <mailto:tonynelson@georgeanelson.com> ' <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>