31 Mar
31 Mar
2:27 p.m.
I'm struggling to get the convert plugin working using the Debian etch packages. When starting dovecot it was trying to create files in /.temp.hostname... convert-plugin.c looks like it has a couple of typos in it - it checks "mail" three times for NULL rather than mail, user, home.
I changed this but it's getting called when these three items are set to: "maildir:/HOME_DIRECTORY_USED_BUT_NOT_GIVEN_BY_USERDB/Maildir" "dump-capability" ""
I must be missing something - shouldn't the mailboxes only be converted when a user logs in?
Should the conversion be skipped for the dump-capability user (whatever that is!)
Adrian Bridgett - adrian@smop.co.uk GPG key available on public key servers