On Fri, 30 Mar 2007 17:04:58 -0700 Kenneth Porter <shiva@sewingwitch.com> wrote:
That's fine for isolated users supporting only themselves. But it won't win any mind share in the boardroom. If you want widespread deployment to get proper testing (and hence a larger user base) you need a version number that gives business people the confidence to install it. Otherwise you'll be limited to avant garde hobbyists who have nothing to risk.
Well, maybe Timo isn't interested in "mindshare in the boardroom", and perhaps a lot of the Dovecot development and user community isn't either.
Why does Free software have to follow the precepts of the suits?
Brian Morrison
bdm at fenrir dot org dot uk
"Arguing with an engineer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud; after a while you realize you are muddy and the pig is enjoying it."
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