Op 17/08/2018 om 19:44 schreef Leandro Lucarella:
On Friday 17 August 2018 01:41:39 CEST Stephan Bosch wrote:
dovecot -n
I tried your configuration here with your Sieve script. It works here as expected with or without the fileinto action (so also with only setflag).
I changed your script a little to detect "INBOX/Archive" rather than just "Archive" to match my setup.
Testing looked as follows (using /usr/lib/dovecot/imap from command line):
- Create two mailboxes, one of which will trigger the flag rule:
2343 CREATE INBOX/Archive imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: Namespace INBOX/: /home/stephan/Maildir/.Archive doesn't exist yet, using default permissions imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: Namespace INBOX/: Using permissions from /home/stephan/Maildir: mode=0700 gid=default imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: acl vfile: file /home/stephan/Maildir/.Archive/dovecot-acl not found imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX: Debug: Mailbox opened because: copy caching decisions imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX/Archive: Debug: Mailbox opened because: CREATE imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: /home/stephan/Maildir/.Archive/dovecot.index.cache: Compressed, file_seq changed 0 -> 1534536851, size=32, max_uid=0 2343 OK Create completed (0.061 + 0.000 + 0.060 secs). 234 CREATE INBOX/Storage imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: Namespace INBOX/: /home/stephan/Maildir/.Storage doesn't exist yet, using default permissions imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: Namespace INBOX/: Using permissions from /home/stephan/Maildir: mode=0700 gid=default imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX: Debug: Mailbox opened because: copy caching decisions imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX/Storage: Debug: Mailbox opened because: CREATE imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: /home/stephan/Maildir/.Storage/dovecot.index.cache: Compressed, file_seq changed 0 -> 1534536860, size=32, max_uid=0 234 OK Create completed (0.059 + 0.000 + 0.058 secs).
- Choose a message from INBOX (in this case without any flags assigned):
23423 SELECT INBOX imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX: Debug: Mailbox opened because: SELECT
- FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft $MailFlagBit1 $label1 Flagged FreeBSD $Label3 $Label5 $Label4 $Label2)
- OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft $MailFlagBit1 $label1 Flagged FreeBSD $Label3 $Label5 $Label4 $Label2 \*)] Flags permitted.
- OK [UNSEEN 6] First unseen.
- OK [UIDVALIDITY 1415917190] UIDs valid
- OK [UIDNEXT 430] Predicted next UID
- OK [HIGHESTMODSEQ 800] Highest 23423 OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs). 233 FETCH 40 FLAGS
- 40 FETCH (FLAGS ()) 233 OK Fetch completed (0.000 + 0.000 secs).
- Copy it to archive mailbox first:
23423 COPY 40 INBOX/Archive
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX/Archive:
Debug: Mailbox opened because: COPY
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox
INBOX/Archive: COPY event
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox
INBOX/Archive: Mailbox attribute /shared/imapsieve/script not found
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox
INBOX/Archive: Server attribute /shared/imapsieve/script not found
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Pigeonhole
version 0.6.devel (c7bd7456) initializing
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Sieve
imapsieve plugin for Pigeonhole version 0.6.devel (c7bd7456) loaded
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Sieve
Extprograms plugin for Pigeonhole version 0.6.devel (c7bd7456) loaded
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve:
vnd.dovecot.pipe extension: no bin or socket directory specified;
extension is unconfigured (both sieve_pipe_bin_dir and
sieve_pipe_socket_dir are not set)
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve:
vnd.dovecot.filter extension: no bin or socket directory specified;
extension is unconfigured (both sieve_filter_bin_dir and
sieve_filter_socket_dir are not set)
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve:
vnd.dovecot.execute extension: no bin or socket directory specified;
extension is unconfigured (both sieve_execute_bin_dir and
sieve_execute_socket_dir are not set)
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: Static
mailbox rule [1]: mailbox=Spam' from=
*' causes=(COPY) =>
before=file:/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve/report-spam.sieve' after=(none) imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: Static mailbox rule [2]: mailbox=
*' from=Spam' causes=(COPY) => before=
file:/usr/lib/dovecot/sieve/report-ham.sieve' after=(none)
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: Static
mailbox rule [3]: mailbox=*' from=
*' causes=(COPY) =>
before=file:~/imapsieve.sieve' after=(none) imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: Matched static mailbox rule [3] imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: file storage: Using Sieve script path: /home/stephan/imapsieve.sieve imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: file script: Opened script
imapsieve' from /home/stephan/imapsieve.sieve' imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Opening script 1 of 1 from
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Loading
script /home/stephan/imapsieve.sieve
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Script
binary /home/stephan/imapsieve.svbin successfully loaded
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: binary save:
not saving binary /home/stephan/imapsieve.svbin, because it is already
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Executing
script from `/home/stephan/imapsieve.svbin'
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve:
line 9: DEBUG: IMAPSIEVE TEST ---------------------
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve:
line 10: DEBUG: subject:Frop!
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve:
line 11: DEBUG: from:<stephan@rename-it.nl>
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve:
line 12: DEBUG: dst:INBOX/Archive
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve:
line 13: DEBUG: END IMAPSIEVE TEST -----------------
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve:
line 17: DEBUG: Moved to INBOX/Archive, marking as read: 'Frop!' <${from>
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: left message
in mailbox 'INBOX/Archive'
23423 OK [COPYUID 1415917215 412 1] Copy completed (0.068 + 0.000 +
0.067 secs).
- Verify that \Seen flag is assigned:
23423 SELECT INBOX/Archive imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX/Archive: Debug: Mailbox opened because: SELECT
- OK [CLOSED] Previous mailbox closed.
- FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft)
- OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft \*)] Flags permitted.
- OK [UIDVALIDITY 1415917215] UIDs valid
- OK [UIDNEXT 2] Predicted next UID 23423 OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs). 234234 FETCH 1 FLAGS
- 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Seen \Recent)) 234234 OK Fetch completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
- Go back to INBOX and copy the same message to the other recently-created mailbox:
23423 SELECT INBOX imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX: Debug: Mailbox opened because: SELECT script 1 of 1 from `/home/stephan/imapsieve.sieve'
- OK [CLOSED] Previous mailbox closed.
- FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft $MailFlagBit1 $label1 Flagged FreeBSD $Label3 $Label5 $Label4 $Label2)
- OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft $MailFlagBit1 $label1 Flagged FreeBSD $Label3 $Label5 $Label4 $Label2 \*)] Flags permitted.
- OK [UNSEEN 6] First unseen.
- OK [UIDVALIDITY 1415917190] UIDs valid
- OK [UIDNEXT 430] Predicted next UID
- OK [HIGHESTMODSEQ 800] Highest
23423 OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
2423 COPY 40 INBOX/Storage
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX/Storage:
Debug: Mailbox opened because: COPY
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox
INBOX/Storage: COPY event
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox
INBOX/Storage: Mailbox attribute /shared/imapsieve/script not found
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: mailbox
INBOX/Storage: Server attribute /shared/imapsieve/script not found
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: imapsieve: Matched
static mailbox rule [3]
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: file
storage: Using Sieve script path: /home/stephan/imapsieve.sieve
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: file script:
Opened script
imapsieve' from
/home/stephan/imapsieve.sieve' imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Opening
imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Loading script /home/stephan/imapsieve.sieve imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Script binary /home/stephan/imapsieve.svbin successfully loaded imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: binary save: not saving binary /home/stephan/imapsieve.svbin, because it is already stored imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Debug: sieve: Executing script from `/home/stephan/imapsieve.svbin' imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve: line 9: DEBUG: IMAPSIEVE TEST --------------------- imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve: line 10: DEBUG: subject:Frop! imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve: line 11: DEBUG: from:<stephan@rename-it.nl> imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve: line 12: DEBUG: dst:INBOX/Storage imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: imapsieve: line 13: DEBUG: END IMAPSIEVE TEST ----------------- imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Info: sieve: left message in mailbox 'INBOX/Storage' 2423 OK [COPYUID 1415917216 412 1] Copy completed (0.066 + 0.000 + 0.065 secs).
- Verify that \Seen flag is not assigned:
23423 SELECT INBOX/Storage imap(stephan)<15247><fmJGKYEsd1uPOwAAmoV78g>: Mailbox INBOX/Storage: Debug: Mailbox opened because: SELECT
- OK [CLOSED] Previous mailbox closed.
- FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft)
- OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen \Draft \*)] Flags permitted.
- OK [UNSEEN 1] First unseen.
- OK [UIDVALIDITY 1415917216] UIDs valid
- OK [UIDNEXT 2] Predicted next UID 23423 OK [READ-WRITE] Select completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs). 423 FETCH 1 FLAGS
- 1 FETCH (FLAGS (\Recent)) 423 OK Fetch completed (0.001 + 0.000 secs).
You can try this at your end. If it really doesn't work, you may need to upgrade. I am not sure, but quite a few IMAPSieve bugs were fixed in the last year or so.
Hi, here it is (I don't know why I get the SSLv2 warning because it is disabled in ssl_protocols, any ideas about that too?).
BTW, even when storing the message in a different folder with fileinto, the original message is still saved in the original mailbox. I also tried using
and makes no difference, I can never get rid of the original message.
The original message (the one in the COPY target mailbox in this case) is marked as \Deleted when implicit keep is canceled (discard), waiting to be expunged by the client. Dovecot currently does not perform this step implicitly.
# dovecot -n # (d6601f4ec): /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf # Pigeonhole version 0.4.21 (92477967) doveconf: Warning: SSLv2 not supported by OpenSSL. Please consider removing it from ssl_protocols. doveconf: Warning: SSLv2 not supported by OpenSSL. Please consider removing it from ssl_protocols.
I am not too familiar with the SSL guts of Dovecot, but it might be that "!SSLv2" also triggers this warning; which is imo a bit confusing.
# OS: Linux 4.15.0-30-generic x86_64 Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=/var/mail/%u mail_privileged_group = mail managesieve_notify_capability = mailto managesieve_sieve_capability = fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relationa l regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date index ihave duplicate mime foreverypart extracttex t editheader vnd.dovecot.debug vnd.dovecot.environment imapsieve vnd.dovecot.imapsieve vnd.dovecot.pipe vnd.dovecot.filter vnd.dov ecot.execute namespace inbox { inbox = yes location = mailbox Drafts { special_use = \Drafts } mailbox Junk { special_use = \Junk } mailbox Sent { special_use = \Sent } mailbox "Sent Messages" { special_use = \Sent } mailbox Trash { special_use = \Trash } prefix = } passdb { args = scheme=CRYPT username_format=%u /etc/dovecot/users driver = passwd-file } plugin { imapsieve_mailbox1_before = file:~/sieve/imapsieve.sieve imapsieve_mailbox1_causes = COPY imapsieve_mailbox1_name = * sieve = file:~/sieve;active=~/.dovecot.sieve sieve_execute_bin_dir = /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-bin sieve_extensions = +editheader +vnd.dovecot.execute +vnd.dovecot.filter +vnd.dovecot.pipe +vnd.dovecot.debug +vnd.dovecot.enviro nment sieve_filter_bin_dir = /usr/local/lib/dovecot/sieve-bin sieve_pipe_bin_dir = /usr/lib/dovecot/sieve-bin sieve_plugins = sieve_imapsieve sieve_extprograms } protocols = " imap lmtp sieve pop3 sieve" service imap-login { inet_listener imap { port = 0 } inet_listener imaps { port = 1993 } } service pop3-login { inet_listener pop3 { port = 0 } inet_listener pop3s { port = 1995 } } ssl = required ssl_cert = </etc/letsencrypt/live/xxx/fullchain.pem ssl_cipher_list = EECDH+AESGCM:HIGH:!DHE:!EDH:!aNULL ssl_dh_parameters_length = 2048 ssl_key = # hidden, use -P to show it ssl_prefer_server_ciphers = yes ssl_protocols = !TLSv1 !TLSv1.1 !SSLv3 !SSLv2 userdb { args = blocking=no driver = passwd } protocol lmtp { mail_plugins = " sieve" } protocol lda { mail_plugins = " sieve" } protocol imap { mail_plugins = " imap_sieve" } local_name xxx { ssl_cert = </etc/letsencrypt/live/xxx/fullchain.pem ssl_key = # hidden, use -P to show it } local_name yyy { ssl_cert = </etc/letsencrypt/live/yyy/fullchain.pem ssl_key = # hidden, use -P to show it }