On 30. Mar 2020, at 14.36, Andi Krischer <ak@michaelpelzer.de> wrote:

This is what the log says in the moment of crashing:
dovecot: lmtp(53852): Panic: Module context mail_crypt_user_module missing
*** backtrace *** (see: https://pastebin.com/YCiFtxmy)

It shows mailbox_free() in the backtrace, so it's probably crashing in mail_crypt_mailbox_close()'s MAIL_CRYPT_CONTEXT(box). But looking at the code, I can't see how that could be possible. Maybe there is some kind of memory corruption or something.

dovecot: lmtp(53852): Fatal: master: service(lmtp): child 53852 killed with signal 6 (core dumps disabled - https://dovecot.org/bugreport.html#coredumps)

Could you get core dumps enabled? See the link. And from the core dump send at least:

bt full
fr 6 (or maybe 5 or 7, whichever makes the following command work)
p *box

Also please send your doveconf -n output.

Core dump: https://pastebin.com/g4VkMXsT (hope this is everything - I’m not that familiar with core dumps…)

It's missing debug symbols. Are you using binaries from repo.dovecot.org? You'd need to install dovecot-dbg package to get more useful output.

And/or assuming it's installed from repo.dovecot.org, it would help if you could send me privately the core file and related libs (the core could contain some sensitive info like pieces of emails): dovecot-sysreport --core /usr/lib/dovecot/lmtp /path/to/core