I'm using dovecot (+sieve), dspam, clamav and postfix with wirtual users and domains. When the server receive an email, I get this error : Jan 2 14:48:52 mail postfix/qmgr[13573]: 89DE1276C42B: from=<postmaster@shadowprojects.org>, size=926, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Jan 2 14:48:52 mail deliver(postmaster@adomain.fr): chdir(/root) failed: Permission denied Jan 2 14:48:52 mail deliver(postmaster@adomain.fr): stat(/root/.dovecot.sieve) failed: Permission denied Jan 2 14:48:52 mail deliver(postmaster@adomain.fr): msgid=<495E1B33.5020009@shadowprojects.org>: saved mail to INBOX Jan 2 14:48:52 mail postfix/lmtp[13584]: 89DE1276C42B: to=<postmaster@adomain.fr>, relay=mail.mydomain.com[/var/run/dspam/dspam.sock], delay=0.07, delays=0.05/0/0/0.01, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent (250 2.6.0 <postmaster@adomain> Message accepted for delivery)
Why does it look inside the /root folder for sieve configuration ? All virtual mailboxes are in /home/vmail/DOMAIN/USER/.maildir (owned by postfix:postfix; dspam has been put in the postfix group)
I uploaded the following config files in http://hiltg.pastebin.com/ :
- main.cf
- master.cf
- dovecot.conf
- dspam.conf
(mails are supposed to be delivered to the mailbox by dovecot, which is called by dspam)
Any idea please ?
Thanks and happy new year to you all,
-- Guillaume Hilt