On Thu, 2004-06-10 at 13:24, Tom Allison wrote:
Not to be a bitch, but I've asked several times about some basic questions or examples to clarify the essentials for configuration.
I haven't gotten around to answering any questions here for a few days. It always takes some energy and time which I don't always have.
What do some of the parameters mean? Expecially the ones that are mentioned only one in a paragraph and no where else in the documentation or wiki. (ie: login_process_per_use)
All configuration settings are explained in dovecot-example.conf, more or less well. If something isn't very clear there, I try to fix it if I can.
The documentation in doc/ dir was written quite a long time ago and I haven't looked at it lately. login_process_per_user is one example which has changed to login_process_per_connection, which is explained shortly in the config file.
But I've been sitting on this list for a while yet and have found that when it comes to configuration, none of the emails posted have been answered or addressed. The closest I got was a suggestion to use views instead of tables in postgres. But technically nothing was ever said about dovecot itself.
I'm not sure what mails you're referring to, all I see from you are the three mails two days ago which no-one replied to, and the ones last year which weren't configuration related.
So I have to ask. Is the sketchy documentation in the source file, the web page, wiki, and limited reponse on the mailing list a matter of "I haven't gotten around to it yet"
I've tried to keep the Dovecot-specific settings well explained in comments in config file. More generic documentation is yet to be written, although some is in Wiki and some in doc/ dir.
Actually I would have written more documentation already, except that there's quite a lot of differences between 0.99.10 and upcoming 1.0. Writing the docs for 1.0 would be better, but it's not usable yet, so docs for it wouldn't really matter to anyone yet.
I'm also still hoping someone else gets to write the documentation :)
or a deliberate move to promote the commercial support potential for Procontrol?
I don't intend to do any blackmailing to get people to pay for Dovecot. Commercial support isn't really planned until v1.0 comes out, although we do already sell software development (Dovecot and non-Dovecot related).
When 1.0 gets nearer, more Procontrol people should get more involved in Dovecot development and support (yes, free support in here too). For now however, it's just me.