As a hack: you can just not run quota recalc ;-) or more realistically, separately track user quotas individually (you really should!), and post recalc immediately update the domain by running something like update domain_quota set bytes=(select sum(bytes) from user_quota where username like '%@debian.jd') where domain='debian.jd';
This won't accout for changes made during the recalc - although to my knowledge it's still the best solution in this type of configuration. We're talking about making the domain quota equal to the sum of the user quotas, using a single SQL statement. After execution of this statement,
On 10/13/2014 04:47 AM, Jiri Bourek wrote: the domain quota will be correct, assuming that the user quotas are correct. If recalc doesn't account for changes done during the recalc, then that's a bug.