On Wed, 2005-07-06 at 17:43 -0500, Jon Roma wrote:
First a few words about my setup. I'm running on AIX 5.1, with SSL enabled. I had to tweak the dovecot-1.0-stable source tree to get rid of the "//"-style comments, since the AIX xlc compiler doesn't like that construct.
Yes, these kind of comments shouldn't be there. I've used them only for "temporary" FIXME-comments, so hopefully when they're all fixed there are no more // comments.. :)
And, as with the 0.99.14 build, there's tons of compiler warnings about <sys/types.h>, but the applications build and seem to generally work fine.
What sys/types.h errors?
IMAP command, UW-imapd gives me the correctly-localized time, while dovecot gives me GMT.
Incidentally, I've tried starting dovecot both with and without chroot and even explicitly setting the TZ environment variable on startup, both with no effect.
Dovecot deletes the TZ environment (and everything else) before starting imap process. Doesn't AIX use something similar to /etc/localtime?
Try running imap binary manually, eg.:
MAIL=~/Maildir /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap
and give it the commands to fetch INTERNALDATE (and set TZ if needed?). If it works, maybe I'll start setting TZ for Dovecot's child processes.