I am executing the command from the new server. I was executing the command from production2 server only. It has the backup option, but whereas production1 doesn't have it. Though I am executing from production2, I am seeing the below error. Is it becasue production1 server doesn't have that option? Please let me know, if it is confusing.

The old version is:
[root@production2 ~]# dovecot --version
2.2.36 (1f10bfa63)

The New version is :
[root@production1 ~]# dovecot --version

I have executed the command from the new server:

[root@production2 test.org.com]# doveadm backup -R -u kishore@test.org.com remote:vmail@production1.baplc.com
vmail@production1.baplc.com's password:
usage: doveadm [-Dv] [-f <formatter>] <command> [<args>]

  altmove      [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <search query>
  auth         [-a <auth socket path>] [-x <auth info>] <user> [<password>]
  config       [doveconf parameters]
  director     add|flush|map|remove|status
  dump         [-t <type>] <path>
  expunge      [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <search query>
  fetch        [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <fields> <search query>
  force-resync [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <mailbox>
  help         <cmd>
  import       [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <source mail location> <dest parent mailbox> <search query>
  kick         [-a <anvil socket path>] [-f] <user mask>[|]<ip/bits>
  log          find|reopen|test
  mailbox      create|delete|list|mutf7|rename|status|subscribe|unsubscribe
  penalty      [-a <anvil socket path>] [<ip/bits>]
  purge        [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>]
  pw           [-l] [-p plaintext] [-r rounds] [-s scheme] [-u user] [-V]
  search       [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>] <search query>
  sis          deduplicate|find
  user         [-a <userdb socket path>] [-x <auth info>] <user mask> [...]
  who          [-a <anvil socket path>] [-1] [<user mask>] [<ip/bits>]
dsync-local(kishore@test.org.com): Error: read(vmail@production1.baplc.com) failed: EOF (version not received)
dsync-local(kishore@test.org.com): Error: Remote command returned error 1: ssh -lvmail production1.baplc.com doveadm dsync-server -ukishore@test.org.com

[root@production2 test.org.com]#


On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 10:55 PM Antonio Leding <tech@leding.net> wrote:
Not sure if this matters but the prompt when attempting the “doveadm backup” command shows it to be a “production" server…

[root at production1 test.org.com]# doveadm backup -R -u kishore at test.org.com
remote:vmail at production2.baplc.com

...that would seem to me to indicate the old box.  If so, then per Kishore’s earlier posts, the machine where this is being attempted is running 2.0.9…not 2.2.36

Maybe nothing but thought I would mention it…

On Jul 27, 2020, at 2:50 PM, Sami Ketola <sami.ketola@dovecot.fi> wrote:

On 28. Jul 2020, at 0.10, Kishore Potnuru <kishore.reachme@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes. Please find the details of the servers below. I am executing the command from one of the new servers.

I find it very hard to believe this. Shall I look at the version control when backup was added as option to doveadm?

2.2.36 has it:

[root@ketola ~]# dovecot --version (0c9d56b41)
[root@ketola ~]# doveadm backup
doveadm backup [-u <user>|-A] [-S <socket_path>]  [-fPRU] [-l <secs>] [-r <rawlog path>] [-m <mailbox>] [-g <mailbox_guid>] [-n <namespace> | -N] [-x <exclude>] [-s <state>] [-t <start date>] -d|<dest>
