- Robert Schetterer <robert@schetterer.org>:
Am 30.11.2011 09:21, schrieb Patrick Ben Koetter:
- Robert Schetterer <robert@schetterer.org>:
Am 29.11.2011 23:17, schrieb Michael M Slusarz:
Quoting Patrick Ben Koetter <p@state-of-mind.de>:
There's an RFC, but it hasn't been adopted yet. Neither by IMAP servers nor by IMAP clients. ;)
Not true. We've (IMP) had special-use (RFC 6154) support since August 2010.
Offhand, I know that serverwise Cyrus 2.5 supports RFC 6154.
what helps this, tb, outlook, apple mail, winmail and some mobile clients must follow , this is what people use, and it will take years after some of them might upgrade
What helps this == Was hilft es?
TB has it on the CR list. Apple has their own X-LIST feature together with google.
cool, *g left another hundred clients
however having this widly solved would be a dream why i did take so long for it.........., its a Problem since years
Yes, it is a problem, but having a standard doesn't solve it and open source software is not a guarant to have it implemented either, unless you contribute the code yourself or get to sponsor someone to do it.
BTW: We'd contribute € 500 if Timo implemented RFC 6154 in Dovecot 2.1.
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