9 Dec
9 Dec
1:56 a.m.
On Wed, 8 Dec 2021, postfix@aecperformance.com wrote:
Thunderbird says: Wrong Site The certificate belongs to a different site, which could mean that someone is trying to impersonate this site.
$ openssl s_client -connect aecperformance.com:993 < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep -F -A1 'X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:'
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
DNS:aecperformance.com, DNS:deanhh.com, DNS:dev.aecperformance.com, DNS:sizzelicks.com, DNS:softlinksys.com, DNS:www.aecperformance.com, DNS:www.deanhh.com, DNS:www.sizzelicks.com, DNS:www.softlinksys.com
Is your Thunderbird set up to use one of the above server names, and not, for example, imap.aecperformance.com. The server name has to match one of the above.
Joseph Tam <jtam.home@gmail.com>