On 23/05/2023 17:23, Marc wrote:

there is a reason these things cost more than you'll earn in a year.

second post in a row showing your lack of knowledge in actual networks,
before you make an even bigger ass out of yourself, how about getting
some experience in the real world or spending some time researching from
actual information - not blogs

Since when has there ever been a relationship between money and
being good, money and intelligence etc. 2nd I have a hard time
welcome to reality, time for you to jump back in your short narrow minded bubble if thats your beliefs.
believing that are still companies out there that hardwire millions of logic circuits to create a load balancer that meets current day standards without the use of any software, and the
perhaps open your dark curtains some day, but since when do companies have to explain shit to a troll like you explaining why they do things the way they do.
Noel the only dumb ass here seems to be you. You are certainly not a good advocate for the EMC product compared to institutions like NASA and CERN that have >4000 drives in ceph solutions.

oh I hope your happy, I'm gonna lose a lot of sleep over that piss poor pathetic attempt to disparage me .  n o t ... better people have tried and failed over the past 30 years.

final words, I don't care how nasa cern or whoever run their network, christ, i'm not even in the same country as them so why would I care, and the fact they have a name that most, but not all, would recognise, means nothing, Microsoft is a big name too, as is google, bigger and more known, and they have made some monumental fuck ups. I get it your a fangirl, and you can never reason with people like you.

the end.