I asked how to build x64 rpm, so discussion about EOL operating systems is totally off topic. :( FYI, I'm still managing 4 production RedHat 6.2 (Zoot relased year 2000) based MTA servers and they are using latest self compiled and updated kernel, latest dovecot, postfix, openssl, openssh, bind etc, so they are in top shape and working well.
So official EOL is just for dummies. :)
@lbutlr wrote:
On 15 Dec 2019, at 15:19, Alexander Dalloz <ad+lists@uni-x.org> wrote:
Am 15.12.2019 um 21:08 schrieb Mart Pirita:
Well, but not for centos 5 and also these rpm are including a lot stuff what I don't need. But I will check the src rpm -s from repo and diff these specs with my current ones. Mart CentOS 5 is end of life since April 2017. Don't use it! There is no good reason to build anything for it. And Centos 6 will be EOL in less than a year, so you probably shouldn’t move to it either.