Finally have found there is no divergence really. We are using zlib to compress mail, so the difference comes from that, as doveadm is calculating quotas with the original size of messages while system commands see the "real" compressed size.
Best regards.
El 27/02/2014 14:27, Juan Carlos Sanchez escribió:
An addition. It might be related to a recent upgrade from 2.0 branch to 2.1.17
Thanks in advance.
El 27/02/2014 14:12, Juan Carlos Sanchez escribió:
We are using maildir quotas and have found differences in many users in respect to what system command are showing and doveadm quotas.
For example, four user test, we have:
doveadm quota get -u test Quota name Type Value Limit % STORAGE 98066 102400 95 MESSAGE 883
But if we check user mail_location with "du" system command we get he is using 70458 Kb.
We are running dovecot 2.1.17
¿any clue?
Thanks in advance.