I am trying to setup a dovecot cluster with 2 servers using replication /dsync.
In front of it I got a Fortinet ADC (Load balance) and I think that I messing up the dsync.
I see mails duplicated in the sync progress.
If I disable one of the servers in the ADC, it seems to work and the sync if working without a problem.
But if I use both servers with a round robin on the ADC, I see mailed duplicated.
Ex. I sent 100 mails thru the SMTP (Postfix) and 107 mails is in both servers, but as said before, if I disable one of the servers in the ADC, I see the correct amount of mails in both dovecot servers.
In the header of the duplicated mails I see the exact same postfix id and LMTP id from dovecot.
Also I cant seem to get any log from the sync progress.
Med venlig hilsen
Thomas Kristensen
Storhaven 12 - 7100 Vejle
Tlf: 75 72 54 99 - Fax: 75 72 65 33
E-mail: tk@multimed.dk
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