On 3/14/2012 1:00 PM, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2012-03-14 10:46 AM, Steve Campbell <campbell@cnpapers.com> wrote:
Over the years, some imap accounts had their folders directly in their home directory and the contents of the .mailboxlist file would have an entry with just the name of the folder in it (Trash, eg), and most had the folders in their ~/mail folder with an entry like "mail/Trash". Our webmail app, Horde/Imp, always seemed to take care of this. If I create the .subscription file for the users during the move to the new server, should I move the folders to the mail directory and amend their .subscriptions file to reflect that change on these odd ball accounts, and will that affect how their client is seeing these?
Yes... dovecot doesn't like it when stuff other than mail is in the home folder:
I'm not sure these are virtual users, so that link may have confused me.
All accounts on these servers have real unix accounts. Their inbox is
Their imap folders, the ones that they create using an imap client or
webmail, are either in ~ or ~/mail. Their original .mailboxlist is
always in ~. Based on that, I should probably copy any imap folders not
in ~/mail to that folder, duplicate ~/.mailboxlist to the file
~/mail/.subscriptions, and amend any .subscriptions file contents to
just have the name of the folders (without any "mail/folder" reference
in it).
My example would then be as follows
/home/steve = folder /home/steve/Drafts = original folder /home/steve/AnyFolder = original folder /home/steve/.mailboxlist = original file /home/steve/mail = folder (either original or created) /home/steve/mail/.subscriptions = copied contents of .mailboxlist file /home/steve/mail/Drafts = copied folder of original /home/steve/mail/AnyFolder = copied folder of original
Contents of original .mailboxlist and new .subscriptions:
Drafts AnyFolder
If the imap folders were in ~/mail, then the original .mailboxlist would have been
mail/Drafts mail/AnyFolder
but after the corrections to the .subscriptions file, they would be as above (without reference to the mail folder).
Is this correct?
thanks for the help