28 Feb
28 Feb
11:42 p.m.
Am 28.02.2013 22:34, schrieb Simon Brereton:
On 28 Feb 2013 21:51, "peter lawrie" <peter.lawrie@glendiscovery.co.uk>
I thought I knew what I was doing before I took this one on (I have configured and manage a dozen centos servers), but this one is making my head spin. Yours in hope! Peter Lawrie
Dovecot/postfix will need their own db, different from horde. (Although I suppose it's possible to add tables too it, but I'd hold it for you risky).
Several how-to's will give you sample db structures. However check out automx.org
and if you do it samrt horde or whatever webmail does not have a user/password table and uses instead authentication directly to the imap-server and so you have
- one single place with users
- no usertable accessable from a web-application