26 Jan
26 Jan
10:16 p.m.
On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 11:46 +0300, Pavel Volkovitskiy wrote:
I have this errors in my dovecot.log every day or two:
... dovecot: Jan 24 10:28:56 Error: auth-worker(default): Out of memory (Needed 8164 bytes)
Since that process is executing only MySQL queries, it looks like there's a memory leak somewhere in there.. Would be nice if someone with more time could take a look at it :)
For example you could try setting
auth_executable = /usr/bin/valgrind --leak-check=yes --num-callers=10 /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-auth
And after some time send HUP signal to Dovecot, and then it should print to logs all the leaked memory.