
I've recently stumbled upon an error in fts-solr plugin.
Dovecot sends "rows" parameter to solr when someone is searching in mailbox, but value of rows can be bigger than int in java.
If I understand correctly, rows is equal to the last message id on current imap folder.
I have mailbox where last uid value is 2206267083 and when I tried to search in this mailbox I got error 400 - Bad Request.

On a Solr side I got an error:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2206267083"
NumberFormat expect an int which max value is 2147483647.

Quick test reviles that rows parameter isn't required for correct response from solr.
I think that dovecot should check if the value of rows is a correct int, and if not, just skip this argument.

Dovecot version: (502c39af9)
Solr version: 8.7.0

Łukasz Szczepański
+48 58 3509284
Globtel Internet