On 23. Feb 2023, at 16.13, Leander Beernaert <leander.beernaert@proton.ch> wrote:


We recently announced Gluon (https://github.com/ProtonMail/gluon/) our IMAP server library we are using in Proton Bridge(https://github.com/ProtonMail/proton-bridge). We would love to have it have it listed in the IMAP Server Compliancy Status wiki page (https://imapwiki.org/ImapTest/ServerStatus). What do we need to do or whom do we need to contact to make this happen?

There was so much spam that we disabled all outside access to the wiki. Maybe we should move it to github/sphinx similarly to doc.dovecot.org so we could get pull requests instead. For now just email me what you want there and I can add it.

Additionally, We have been using running imaptest (https://github.com/dovecot/imaptest) against our server library, but due to variety of configuration parameters, we would really appreciate it (if possible) if someone could point out to us the test setup used to validate each of those servers.

I updated the page to specify how the different columns can be tested. It's the same for all servers.