On 26.2.2013, at 0.36, dalevizo <dalevizo@otenet.gr> wrote:
I tried it but unfortunately the problem remains :
Feb 26 00:02:28 pop08 dovecot: lmtp(26796, dinos.mpalanikas@3230.syzefxis.gov.gr): Error: stat(/var/index/dovecot/7/8/3/amalia@3230.syzefxis.go v.gr/.imap/INBOX/dovecot.index.log) failed: Permission denied (euid=10117261(<unknown>) egid=165(<unknown>) missing +x perm: /var/index/dovecot /7/8/3/amalia@3230.syzefxis.gov.gr, dir owned by 10117262:165 mode=0700) Feb 26 00:02:28 pop08 dovecot: lmtp(26796, dinos.mpalanikas@3230.syzefxis.gov.gr): Error: stat(/var/index/dovecot/7/8/3/amalia@3230.syzefxis.go v.gr/.imap/INBOX/dovecot.index) failed: Permission denied (euid=10117261(<unknown>) egid=165(<unknown>) missing +x perm: /var/index/dovecot/7/8 /3/amalia@3230.syzefxis.gov.gr, dir owned by 10117262:165 mode=0700) Feb 26 00:02:28 pop08 dovecot: lmtp(26796, dinos.mpalanikas@3230.syzefxis.gov.gr): QYsqEkjfK1GsaAAADehEhg: sieve: msgid=<19dfa2f0f211951c56596c 9600194384@otenet.gr>: stored mail into mailbox 'INBOX'
These two users, dinos.mpalanikas@3230.syzefxis.gov.gr and amalia@3230.syzefxis.gov.gr have nothing in common apart from belonging to the same domain.
Here's a guess: Try sending the same mail to two users, so that LMTP gets two RCPT TOs in the same session. You'll probably now see the error?
LMTP always delivers the mail to the first user. Then it tries to copy the first mail to the second user, because in some setups this can be done using hard links. With mbox that of course doesn't work, but looks like instead of failing silently it logs an error. So everything is working as it should, except there are these unnecessary errors logged. I'll see about getting rid of them.