Do you want users to be able to share mailboxes across different domains?
On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 11:16 -0700, David Fuchs wrote:
thanks for the quick reply!
tried to create a shared namespace shared.example_com. still no success, unfortunately -
location = maildir:/home/vpopmail/domains/
now it's creating an empty /home/vpopmail/domains/ :(
- Dave.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Timo Sirainen <> wrote:
On Mon, 2009-07-20 at 10:46 -0700, David Fuchs wrote:
namespace shared { separator = . prefix = shared.%%u. location = maildir:/home/vpopmail/domains/%%d/%%n/Maildir:INDEX=~/Maildir/shared/%%u subscriptions = no list = yes } .. however, when I connect to the server, the client does not see the "shared" namespace. also, dovecot seems to be creating empty shared-mailboxes.db in /home/vpopmail/domains/example/ (missing .com!).
The problem is hierarchy separator. If you have, the mailbox looks like:
And Dovecot thinks you're opening "user@example"'s "com.INBOX" mailbox. So you can't really use domains with '.' separator. One solution would be to use another separator, like '/'. Another would be to create separate namespaces for each domain, like:
namespace shared { prefix = shared.example_com. location = maildir:/home/vpopmail/domains/ }