4 Feb
4 Feb
7:57 p.m.
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 03:20:45PM +0100, Thomas Hummel wrote:
I follow the 'Shared subscriptions' section of the wiki :
drw-r-s--- 4 root doveshared 4096 Jan 30 14:19 public -rw-r----- 1 root doveshared 18 Jan 30 13:38 public/subscriptions
As expected, dovecot (and it shows in the logs), has not sufficient permissions to create the files above (dovecot-acl-list, dovecot-uidvalidity, dovecot-uidvalidity.4982fa7a). What are the consequences ?
Any idea, anyone ?
-- Thomas Hummel | Institut Pasteur <hummel@pasteur.fr> | Pôle informatique - systèmes et réseau