Am 26.12.2014 um 02:20 schrieb Edwardo Garcia:
On 12/26/14, Jeff Mitchell <> wrote:
On Dec 25, 2014 3:15 PM, "Reindl Harald" <> wrote:
your Gentoo is nice in a small environment
on larger setups someone is using binary packages and can setup his own
repo with overrides while maintain *testable* setups
Just to point out, it is possible to set up a binary Gentoo setup with a single server compiling packages then made available to downstream computers -- I ran such a setup for a few years. Can also have multiple of these in an overlay fashion for testing. Pros and cons vs. normal binary distros, but it can be done.
As we do today for some 417 servers (real servers, not virtual crap), its very easy to do, even my previous employer who used slackware with a few hundred servers used almost identical fashion.
Amazing at how rpm and deb users think they are the only ones in this world who can manage large enterprise server farms, just shows how narrow sighted and ill-informed they are.
narrow sighted are people thinking others are ill-informed or as Benny thinking outdated RPM packages are a persistent problem not easily solveable
sure, you can manage anything if you write enough tools to automate things, nothing new for me as software developer, but don't you think there is a reason why advanced package management exists and 95% of all production environments are uusing them?
and if it is only to have a *formal verification* based on the rpm database that there are no dep errors and compare 100, 200, 1000 machine setups automated with a single click