14 Jun
14 Jun
3:56 p.m.
Am 14.06.2018 um 20:22 schrieb Walter Ulmke:
In an attempt to find out what the problem is I have now done the following:
installed dovecot on my laptop my data is mounted per NFS started Thunderbird
I get exectly the same messages
I then copied my data onto a local partition of my hard drive laptop and mount this as my $HOME
The reasoning behind this: eliminte any problems coming from NFS.
Again - the same error messages.
Most worrying is that when I fire up Thunderbird I get:
SERVERBUG internal error
-- -- Best Regards, Walter Ulmke
You run a security layer like SELinux?
And forget about whatever error message the MUA spits out, read the dovecot log output and fix what it reports. It is not a dovecot bug (serverbug) anyhow.