On 1/27/2016 9:32 AM, Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote:
On Wed, 27 Jan 2016, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 1/27/2016 1:30 AM, Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote:
Sending bandwitdh can be reduced by using BCC instead of the IMAP append to the sent mailbox. Can you elaborate on this?
I would have thought that the IMAP Append command would *save* bandwidth (as opposed to having the client save a copy to the Sent folder, thereby uploading the full message a second time). This is exactly, what IMAP APPEND does: The client uploads the message via SMTP first and via IMAP a second time.
Oops, you're right...
I was thinking of the SMTP Submission Client service discussed here that Timo said would be trivial to do (he said it would take a few lines of code for postfix too, but Wietse seemed amenable to adding it)... I think it may have been using BURL or something, but I'm not sure...
I'd really love to see this implemented. It would make a huge difference for anyone who sends a lot of large attachments like we do.
BTW: There is another annoyance with a limited bandwidth, when you compose a message, MUAs autosave the message into Draft in regular intervals.
Yeah - I usually disable this, and save manually. I generally either finish and send an email, or start one so I won't forget about something and immediately save it. I do want these available through IMAP, so I do still want it saved to the IMAP Drafts folder, otherwise, if I had bandwidth concerns about this and still wanted continuous auto save, I'd pint my Drafts to the Local Folders Drafts...